1. Alexisonfire - Old Crows/Young Cardinals
This is getting better with every listen. Firstly I thought they're not giving as much bite as on Crisis but one thing they have got is bigger melodies. Dallas Green's voice is a thing of wonder, and it works so much better in AoF than in City and Colour. This, coupled with George Pettit new found soft growl, has the makings of an album of the year. But, without taking anything away from it, there hasn't been much competition so far, but we have Paramore, Editors, Thrice, Arctic Monkeys, Pearl Jam, Brand New and The Twilight Sad still to come. Speaking of which.....
2. The Twilight Sad - I Became A Prostitute
What a triumph! The first album was a wonderful journey of darkness but this song has so much more, and a chorus! If the songwriting has improved like this the album will be stunning without losing any of the shoe gazing guitars. There's something about scottish bands that draw me in. See also We Were Promised Jetpacks. If you live in America, you get to see those two and Frightened Rabbit all in one show.
One of the good things about being into football but not supporting a Premier League team is you get to an impartial view on teams and transfers. Many of the old guard have balked at the inflated transfer prices and new Middle Eastern money, and yes foreign ownership and too many overseas players may be, in the long term, bad for the English game, but let's enjoy it while we can. Something worse for the game is the monopolisation of the so-called Big 4. For the past 6 years they are the only teams that players want to go to. Why can't Manchester City break into it. Lest we forget that Chelsea were pretty much a nothing team until Mr Abramovich turned up. That could have been any team, especially any London team as I'm sure he didn't want to live anywhere else. How long did it take them? A couple of years and £100m. City could do that, and their stadium is big enough. They just need a centre back at the moment, but I don't think it will be John Terry. Go for Jolean Lescott.
Sorry to blow my own trumpet but since being mentioned on Sunday Times writer Bryan Appleyard's blog, the hits have increased by about 500% (or something). Now if I could only harness this power.