Gerard Way dying his hair is probably the best thing anyone has ever done. Why? Well it's quite long winded, and before we begin, let me state that I am using the word 'emo' as a style trend and not as a genre of music. I know that true emo is Fugazi or Rites Of Spring etc and not one dimensional tattooed bands like 18 Visions, but that also is part of my argument.
Ok, so Gerard Way is the Crown Prince of Emo. He has an alcoholic past, a love of horror and comics and a pasty face. And his band are fantastic. So all the emo kids look the same. They all wear cons, black jeans, maybe eyeliner, maybe finger polish. But most importantly they all have asymmetric dyed black haircuts. All of them. But they all think they are outcasts for looking different. They look different to the jocks, or townies and chavs over here. But how can they be so different when they all look the same. They say they have an identity which, in fairness, they do.
So Gerard says that he wants to detach his band from emo, whether it be the image or the music. And to do this he has chosen to cut his hair and dye it blond. And what is so brilliant about this you ask. The fact that no one, none of the emo followers can copy him. They all desperately want to, but they can't because then they would have to admit to conforming, and that is totally against what they stand for. Gerard Way has become more individual than he could possibly have hoped for. If the whole band had done it, then it would be easy for an emo kid to dye his hair, as it would then be a movement. But as it's only one person, if any kid did the same, all his neighbourly social misfits would scream 'you only did that because Gerard Way did', and they would be right. Because no one would've thought of that had he not done it.
So by the simple act of dying his hair, Gerard Way has made all the emo kids look at each other and think, Shit, we do all look the same, and maybe he will kill of the whole look.
I would like to dye my hair blond now, but fear the backlash.
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