One week into my new life and this is what I have to say: What do women talk about?
There's about 230 people, about 200 are women and about 30 are men. No one has met anyone before (or so we assume) and they all arrive randomly to a location for the same time. The only thing they have in common is that they are there for the same reason (which they all know). After two hours, some of the women have divided into twos, threes and fours. Then men are pretty much all together. The next day, some of the women are arriving together, having lunch together and talking continuously, whereas the men will still have lunch in threes or fours.
By then end of day three, the women are in their groups of three and four and are pretty much inseparable.
I like to think of myself as affable although I don't approach people unless I have something to say and small talk is something I find very hard to do without shared subject knowledge. But I can in no way talk to someone I've just met for the amount of time that these women have. What are they talking about?
I can only conclude that either women are friendlier to each other than men are, or they have more in common with each other. Men like football (some do), music (but there are different types) and women (but not all do). I won't talk to people about women unless I know them very well, so that leaves music and football. And that can only last so long.
Or maybe they like to judge people on their personality and not their appearance, like me. For shame.