I am crap with names, I forget things unless I write them down and I can't really remember much before the age of ten, but for some reason there are certain tiny inconsequential memories that always pop up in my mind.
Andrew McCarron telling the French teacher that saying Tour D'Eiffel was stupid.
Me telling the new teacher that David Wells liked to be called Wellsy.
Chez wearing his t-shirt signed by Olympic hurdler Debbie Flintoff-King in McDonalds, although I can't remember who he was with.
A lot of my 'friends' throwing stones at me when I said I was ill and then I was sick ont he way to the car when my Mum came and picked me up.
People measuring me to decide whether or not I was in fact 5 feet tall (when I was 14. Please).
My sister smashing me in the face with a tennis racket (actually it's not difficult to forget that one).
Adam Scrivener crying because 'these are new trousers' that he got dirty. They were always new trousers.
Having to meet Adrian at Wendy Crescent because our mothers couldn't be bothered to drive the whole way.
We won't mention the consequential moments (first kiss, losing virginity, best gigs, first house etc). They won't go, and I know where to find them.