Much like in the previous missive we discussed (don't pretend you didn't discuss it) about people blowing your mind, or at least making you sit up straight and pay attention, music also does it as well.
Not music in general, but certain songs. You listen just to see what they sound like and then bang, you've got one song on repeat, all day.
I love the way anything and everything can do this to us. It shows there's life left in you, not everything is dull and monotonous, you don't know everything.
Is it that it hits you when you least expect it, or is that when it makes the most impact?
By the way, it's Silversun Pickups - Panic Switch
P.S. (again) I totally missed the opportunity to label the last one THERE'S SOMETHING IN THE WAY SHE MOVES ME, but maybe I didn't want gender attached to it.
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