I've had a weird feeling in my right ear since Sunday. I thought it was an infection but I went to the doctor yesterday and he said it was bunged up behind the ear drum. Hearing's been a bit shit all week but the Sudafed and ear drops seem to be working. If only the bloody ringing would stop. That's 20 years of gigs for you.
Speaking of gigs, went to see Grant Lee Buffalo on Wednesday. Not nearly busy as it should have been. After a slow start, they played a good set culled mainly from the first two albums. I would have loved it if one of the lesser songs was the killer but hands down it was Fuzzy.
I did next to no work today. One spread about the Under 21 Euros and wrote an opener for the Man Utd yearbook. Other than that, just sitting around looking at the internet. Don't tell anyone.
Another Friday in but the weekend looks quite busy so I'm not that bothered. And my ear is still giving me jip.
Moan moan moan.
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