What do you mean you're bored? There's free music out there (legit free too) and you're reading this? What are you doing? In fact what am I doing? There's lessons to plan and I'm pointing music out to no one.
Anyway, Nine Inch Nails' The Slip is still free, I think, so go and get it. It isn't vintage NIN but it rocks here and there.

Also, a young band called Community Gun are giving music away. Mr Rollogrady mentioned this one first. He's got more time than me.

But get Community Gun - click on Audio at the top to get to the download bit.
The Fall Out Boy album is great. It's pop music with a message, although I'm not sure what that message is. My favourite lyric is:
"I wanna scream I love you from the top of my lungs, but I'm afraid that someone else will hear me"
Ever felt like that?
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