So when did the voting public fall out of love with 'My Little Diana Vickers'? Probably when she was ill and got through to the next round. Even more so when she was seen 'shouting and screaming' at a fireworks party. Diana was my favourite, but then I wasn't that bothered when she went.
For me it was a cross between when we found out there was some sort of teenage tryst with baby-faced Eoghan (pronounced Ee-oh-gan) and when she sung the blandest version of the blandest Coldplay song. Before we go on, I like Coldplay, alot.
I don't understand how they can allow Alexandra et al to perform these unheard of Mary J Bilge/Beyonce songs and then give Diana the most well known Coldplay song. I think Cheryl's music knowledge is very RnB based and her Coldplay knowledge stretches to the big singles. In my opinion, a more apt song for her to sing would have been Trouble. I know it is not as well known, but the people voting for her were the ones who were a bit off the usual X Factor crowd. And the lyrics rang true. 'I never meant to cause you trouble, I never meant to.... go to a fireworks party and scream when I'm meant to have laryngitis'.
Didn't Rik Waller drop out when he had throat problems a few years back? Even though that was probably just an excuse so he wouldn't win. You can't let a big fatso win! Until the year after that is. Just think Rik, you may have gone on Celebrity Fit Club but at least Gillian McKeith has never seen your turds. Oh maybe she has, what do we know?
And don't get me started on White Flag.
Now I'm not that bothered who wins, as long as it isn't Eoghan.

Vickers, possibly screaming, possibly at a fireworks party