5. Panic At The Disco - Northern Downpour

I love reinventions, both in sound and image. Ones that come to light are Radiohead from Pablo Honey to The Bends, Brand New from Your Favourite Weapon to Deja Entendu and every other Beatles album. Which brings us to Panic At The Disco. No !, so keyboard beeps and no huge song titles. Panic changed from emo posterboys to Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, and they're all only 12! If any other band had tried to channel the spirit of the Fab Four circa 67 or had a record cover similar to Ogden's Nut Flake they would have been laughed away (and many people probably did) but not everyone has Ryan Ross writing their songs. For someone who is at the tender age of 22, the songs on this album show an incredible amount of maturity and knowledge, although his lyrics could need a little more work, 'Paul Cates bought him self a trumpet...' Actually they have been well received what with an NME cover and headlining the second stage at Glastonbury. Northern Downpour has ended up being the 3rd single from this album which is great. It was my favourite song on the album from the beginning and still is. The video is really nice but I don't think Spencer should have worn a t-shirt for this one.....

What can we say about Bon Iver? Without a doubt the album of the year, Justin Vernon's haunting little album is a perfect example of less is more. But if you think the album is good, you should see them live. I saw them in a church in central London earlier this year and never have I finished watching a concert and I wanted it to start all over again. The highlights of that show were For Emma, un-amplified in the centre of the church and Skinny Love. The drums were awe inspiring, everyone was silent and the applause at the end was immense. A truly wonderful moment and one which makes you realise why you're into music and why we go to live shows. I'll never forget it.
Dave introduces Bon.
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